Book: De Grote Chagall Atlas - Nienke Denekamp

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De Grote Chagall Atlas follows Jewish artist Marc Chagall to the places where he lived and worked. Life brought him to the most diverse places on earth. Constantly he ran into world history, so to speak. The many travels provided him with a library of images that constantly recurred in his work.

Born in Tsarist Russia, Chagall traveled to Paris when Cubism and Fauvism were about to change art forever. During World War I, he was trapped in his hometown of Vitebsk, on the Eastern Front of a war that seamlessly transitioned into the Russian Revolution. In the 1920s and 1930s, he lived in Berlin and Paris, where World War II drew ever closer. Just in time, he managed to escape to the United States. After the war, now a celebrated artist, he settled in southern France, with Picasso and Matisse as his neighbors.

After De Grote Van Gogh Atlas, De Grote Gauguin Atlas and De Grote Bach Atlas, this is the fourth volume in a series on the eventful life stories of extraordinary artists.


Author: Nienke Denekamp

Language: Dutch

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